Having a lush, green lawn is a sign of pride for many homeowners. However, if you don’t fertilize your lawn properly, you may find yourself dealing with damage, weeds, and other issues. We’re sharing five of the most common mistakes homeowner’s make when it comes to fertilizing their lawn and tips for avoiding them. With the right approach, you can ensure that your lawn remains healthy and beautiful for years to come.

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TruGreen is America’s #1 lawn company. TruGreen provides tailored solutions and a team of professionally trained experts to provide homeowners with a healthier, greener lawn. From basic weed control and fertilization to total yard care, TruGreen has a plan for every lawn.

1. Applying too much fertilizer

Applying too much fertilizer to a lawn can damage the grass and even kill it. Too much fertilizer can cause the grass to burn, turn yellow, and become weak and thin. Excessive fertilizer can also cause the grass to become more susceptible to disease and pests. It’s important to use the right amount of fertilizer for your lawn and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging your lawn with fertilizer.

2. Not testing your soil

Testing your soil is an important step in determining what type of fertilizer should be used on your lawn. Without testing your soil, you are likely to apply too much of the wrong type of fertilizer, which can damage your lawn. Applying the wrong type of fertilizer can also lead to nutrient deficiencies in your lawn, resulting in poor growth and a less healthy lawn overall.

3. Not using the right type of fertilizer

Not using the right type of fertilizer can lead to over-fertilization, which can burn and damage your lawn. Different types of fertilizer are designed to provide different nutrients. Over-fertilization can also lead to an increase in weeds and an imbalance in the soil’s nutrient levels, causing further damage to your lawn.

common mistakes when fertilizing lawn care smarter home and yard blog

4. Not timing the application properly

Different types of fertilizer have different application times. Timing the application of fertilizer improperly can lead to the fertilizer being wasted, as it may not be absorbed by the soil or taken up by the grass. It can also lead to an uneven distribution of the fertilizer, resulting in patches of over-fertilized and under-fertilized lawns.

5. Not watering the lawn properly

Fertilizer needs to be applied to a moist lawn and then watered in thoroughly. Not doing this can lead to fertilizer runoff and other problems. Fertilizers should be applied when the soil is moist, not dry, so that the fertilizer can be absorbed into the soil and be properly utilized by the plants. Too little water can cause the fertilizer to accumulate and burn the grass, while too much water can wash away the fertilizer before it has a chance to provide any benefit.

Avoid making these common mistake when fertilizing by:

  • Testing your soil regularly to determine the type and amount of fertilizer needed for your lawn.
  •  Following the instructions on the fertilizer package for application rates and timing. 
  • Using a slow-release fertilizer to reduce the risk of over-application. 
  • Watering your lawn before and after applying fertilizer to ensure the nutrients are properly absorbed. 
  • Avoiding fertilizer applications during periods of extreme heat or cold.

Fertilizing your lawn can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of knowledge and care, you can ensure your lawn is looking its best. Avoiding the common mistakes can help you achieve the lush, green lawn you desire. With the right fertilizing techniques, you can make sure your lawn is in tip-top shape.

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Fall in love with your lawn again with the help of our recommended professional lawn care services.