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If you think there might be mice or other rodents in your home, it is important to find these sneaky creatures early to keep your home safe and clean. Here are some signs rodents maybe sneaking around your home.
Where it can be found: throughout the U.S.
Size: 1.5 to 2 inches
Color: reddish-brown or tawny-colored back with a white underbelly.
Habitat: forests, grasslands, urban areas, and warm environments like basements and sewers.
Where it can be found: throughout the U.S.
Size: 2.5 to 3.75 inches
Color: light to medium brown fur on their back with a lighter underbelly.
Habitat: a variety of indoor and outdoor locations near human settlements, such as homes, buildings, farms, and urban areas, thanks to their adaptability and opportunistic feeding habits.
Where it can be found: throughout the U.S.
Size: 7 to 9.5 inches
Color: coarse fur that is brown or grayish brown on their back with a lighter-colored underbelly.
Habitat: found in urban and suburban environments, including cities, residential areas, commercial spaces, sewers, farms, garbage areas, and natural habitats.
Where is can be found: found in the southern and coastal regions of the United States
Size: 6 to 8 inches
Color: have a black or dark brown back with a lighter-colored underbelly.
Habitat: infesting residential areas, commercial buildings, fruit orchards, and utilizing their climbing abilities to access attics, rooftops, and trees.
Rodents can multiply rapidly and quickly turn into a full-blown infestation before you know it. Professional exterminators possess a range of tools and strategies to eliminate these pests.
Hiring professional pest control is the best choice for rodent problems. Experts can quickly remove them and know how to stop them from coming back for a long time. They provide solutions to keep your home rodent free.
Talk to a pest professional today to get the help you need.
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