How to Get Rid of Bugs in Your House Naturally 

How to Get Rid of Bugs in Your House Naturally 

Having pests in your home can be uncomfortable. Whether you’re a fan of nature or not, some bugs can be too much to live alongside. Most homes have around 100 different types of bugs living in them every day and most of them you won’t even know about. However, some bugs can be unpleasant to have around. Whether your home is filled with ants, spiders, cockroaches, fleas, termites, bed bugs, mosquitoes, or flies, there are ways to get rid of them naturally. Many of the products you can buy to kill bugs in the home contain nasty chemicals. These can be harmful to both humans and pets, so it’s usually best to avoid these where possible.

Here are some natural ways on how to get rid of bugs:

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Fleas Hate Salt

If you’ve got fleas in the home, it can make you feel itchy at the thought of them. Seeing a flea on your cat or dog can cause panic, but there are easy ways to naturally get rid of fleas in your home. If you have found a flea on your pet, you may also find them in areas of the home. Throw salt on problem areas and leave it for a day or two, then vacuum it up and repeat.

Soap the Ants

Ants can quickly take over your home. They usually start in the kitchen as they are attracted to food, but they can take over other areas. You may have tried several things to get rid of ants in the past with no success. However, using dish soap is a good way to exterminate them quickly. Ants can damage the wood in your home and can also contaminate food, so it’s best to get rid of them ASAP. Mix dish soap in a spray bottle and spray the solution in areas you’ve seen ants.

Use Herbs Against Flies

Flies can be very annoying, they can also contaminate food. Having flies in your home is rather unpleasant and it can be difficult to get rid of them. One great natural way to keep them away is to use basil. Having basil plants in problem areas can be a good solution as flies hate the stuff. If you don’t want to put basil plants around, dried basil around entrances such as doors and window frames can also be effective.

Get Rid of Spiders With Lemons and Limes

Whether you’re afraid of spiders or you just don’t want them in your home, there’s an easy way to keep them away. Most spiders are harmless, but if you live in an area with poisonous spiders, then it’s best to get rid of them. Squeezing some lemon or lime juice into a spray bottle with some water can be a great way to keep the spiders away. Just spray it in areas where you’ve seen them in your home.

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Use Baking Soda Against Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are very horrible to have in your home. They can also be very harmful and cover you in bites that can get infected. Many people try a variety of ways to get rid of bed bugs with little success. Instead of using chemicals against bed bugs, why not try baking soda? All you need to do is spread it over the bed and leave it to work its magic. Hoover the mattress every couple of days and repeat the process. The reason baking soda works is because it dries out the moisture in the bodies of the bed bugs, which kills them and prevents their breeding.

Kill Cockroaches With Oil and Syrup

Cockroaches can show up in even the cleanest of homes. If you’ve got them in yours, you’ll probably want to get rid of them fast. Before you reach for a chemical spray, however, why not try a natural solution. A chemical spray isn’t the best thing to use in your home, especially if you’ve got children or pets. Instead, try a natural trap. All you need to do is get an empty bottle and add some syrup to the bottom. Then, rub cooking oil around the top of the bottle. This will attract cockroaches and trap them in the bottle and simply kill them.

Use Garlic Against Mosquitos

Mosquitos are nasty, they spread diseases and they’re very unpleasant to have in your home. Fortunately, there is a natural way to get rid of them, with garlic. Garlic is poisonous to mosquitos and the smell of it also repels them. Crush some garlic and add it to water in a spray bottle. This solution will kill them if sprayed at them and will help prevent others from entering your home.

Orange Oil For Termites

Termites are pests that can cause damage to your home. They are often found in furniture or wooden furnishings and these are the things they can damage. To get rid of them quickly, use a rag to apply orange oil to the areas where you’ve seen them. If you are concerned they are deep inside the wood, then try injecting the oil in any cracks, or drill a small hole and inject it into the hole.

Call In a Professional 

Sometimes, DIY pest control is unsuccessful.

If you have a particularly severe problem then it can be hard to tackle.

The best thing to do when these methods don’t work is call in a professional. 

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The Most Common Pest Issues in April

As the weather warms up and the days grow longer, April is a time of year when pest control issues become more common. The most common pest control issues in April vary depending on location and climate. As the temperatures and humidity levels in the North and South regions vary so drastically, the most common pest control issues in April also vary greatly.

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Common pest issues in northern states in April

Generally, in the northern states, ants, mice, and cockroaches are the most common pest control issues in April. This is because the warm weather encourages these pests to come out from their winter hiding spots and search for food and nesting places. In addition, spring rains can cause an increase in these pests, as moisture helps them to thrive. Beginning regular pest control treatments done by a professional pest control campaign can prevent issues with ants, mice, and cockroaches before an infestation occurs.

Common pest issues in southern states in April

Mosquitoes, fire ants, and termites can be common pest control issues in southern states during April due to higher temperatures and more rain. This increase in warmth and humidity can result in an uptick in insect populations, which can become a nuisance in homes, yards, and other areas. Mosquitoes and fire ants can be especially problematic, as they can bite and sting people and animals. Termites can cause destruction to wooden structures, such as houses and decks. Therefore, it is important to be proactive in pest control during the warmer months in order to keep these insects at bay.

Emerging pests in April

In all regions, April is the peak season for the emergence of many pests, such as carpenter ants and wasps, due to the increasing temperatures and available food sources. April also marks the start of the growing season, which can bring an increased risk of crop pests, such as aphids, thrips, and beetles. 


For pet owners, be aware that April is also a prime time for flea and tick infestations. April marks the beginning of warmer temperatures and higher humidity, which is the perfect climate for fleas and ticks to thrive. Fleas and ticks require warmth and moisture to survive, and as the weather warms up and rain increases, these pests are more active, making April a prime time for infestations.

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Preventative measures for common pest issues in april

The good news is there are easy ways to prevent issues with pests including insects and rodents. With proactive measures taken by homeowners and pest control specialists, you can protect your home and yard from common pest issues that occur in April.

  1. Keep your home clean and free of clutter. 
  2. Vacuum regularly to remove food crumbs and other debris that can attract pests. 
  3. Repair any gaps or cracks in your home’s exterior, as these can be entry points for pests. 
  4. Seal off any openings around windows, doors, and other entry points. 
  5. Keep food in airtight containers or in the refrigerator. 
  6. Regularly clean up pet food and water bowls. 
  7. Monitor your yard for signs of pests, such as nests or droppings. 
  8. Trim back any overgrown plants or bushes that can provide shelter for pests. 
  9. Inspect any potential firewood for pests before bringing it into your home. 
  10. Have a pest control company inspect your home and develop a plan for prevention.

April is a time of year when pest control issues become more common in both the North and South regions. Pest control professionals can help to identify and treat these issues to keep homes and businesses safe and pest-free.

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