7 Common Mistakes People Make When Hiring a Pest Control Company

7 Common Mistakes People Make When Hiring a Pest Control Company

Do you need help hiring a pest control company to help rid your home of pests? Taking the necessary steps to protect your property and family is important, but people make many common mistakes when choosing a pest control company.

Understanding common pest control pitfalls before selecting a service provider is essential to ensure you get the best treatment for your situation. Here are seven of the most frequent mistakes people make when hiring a pest control company so you can avoid them and feel confident in making an informed decision.

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7 Common Mistakes People Make When Hiring a Pest Control Company

Mistake #7: Lack of pest control understanding

Managing pests can be complicated. Therefore, when shopping for a pest specialist, you must be aware of some basic pest control practices and principles to weed out the good companies from the not-so-good ones.

Pest control is a science, and every property is different. To control pests correctly, a pest control company should assess the situation with a full inspection before diagnosing or treating any issues. A reliable and trustworthy pest company won’t just be eager to sell you a service; they’ll want to work together as a team to help you achieve long-term pest control results.

Mistake #6: Having unrealistic expectations

This point ties in with the above: a lack of understanding of pest control leads to unrealistic expectations.

The best pest control company won’t be too eager to treat using products and chemicals. Instead, they should want to build a relationship with you while finding the best, most cost-effective, and environmentally conscious solutions to each issue, starting with pest identification.

Pest control can take time, especially if the issue is severe. As frustrating as it can be, try to be patient. If your pest control company has advice for what you can do to help with treatment, make sure to follow it. Pest control is a team effort, and following your pest company’s advice could be the key to keeping pests away for good!

Mistake #5: Not doing the research

Do your research before hiring a pest control company. Of course, most people head to the internet to do their research, and that’s a great place to start, but it also helps to keep an eye around town and chat with neighbors.

What pest control company vehicles do you notice driving your streets? Which pest control offices are close to your house? The more experience a pest control company has controlling pests in your neighborhood, the better.

Also, having a preferred search engine or review site is okay, but be sure to cross-verify pest control companies before hiring someone to come out to your house. After all, pest control can be pricey, and you want to ensure the company you hire is one you can trust.

Use multiple sites to conduct your research and find the right pest control company for your situation, budget, and lifestyle.

Mistake #4: Choosing a company because they have the most reviews

A five-star review is a five-star review, right? Not always…

When looking through review pages, understand that the number of reviews isn’t necessarily as important as the quality of reviews. Unfortunately, nowadays, companies can boost their online presence by paying for 5-star reviews.

Spend time reading through company reviews carefully to ensure they’re from real customers who took the time to share their experience and not from false accounts that trick people into trusting companies they shouldn’t.

Mistake #3: Getting swept up in ‘green’ pest control advertising

Green pest control practices are good, but watch out for ‘greenwashing’ when hiring a pest control company.

Greenwashing is a way that all kinds of companies (not just pest control) try to capitalize on the need for eco-friendly products and services without actually providing what they say they will. Often, products and services that have been “greenwashed” are the same as before, just with some catchy new slogans or taglines. But, green or not, if a pest program focuses solely on product application, beware!

If you’re really interested in eco-friendly pest control, focus on finding companies that stay up-to-date on pest science and biology and use trusted pest control methods like IPM. These companies will have the tools to help you achieve lasting pest control results with minimal risk.

Mistake #2: Choosing pest control services based on price alone

Let’s be frank: you won’t get the best quality pest control services if your primary concern is spending the least money. Opting for the cheapest pest control option can cause pest problems to become worse, leading to more significant costs in the long run.

While it can be tempting to go with the service that costs the least, instead, go for the one that makes the most overall sense, not just for your wallet but for your family, property, and environment.

Mistake #1: Not signing up for recurring pest control services

Recurring pest control services are necessary if you want to keep your home and property safe from the damage pests cause while staying on a budget. If your pest company is coming out regularly, it gives them a chance to address pests seasonally, working ahead of pest problems to avoid severe issues in the first place.

Pests are incredibly persistent, and they will keep trying to come back. Regular pest control doesn’t just mean consistent service visits. With recurring services, you’ll have trusted pest pros in your corner if an issue arises.

Another big bonus? Regular pest services often cost less over time than paying for separate one-time treatments.

Just be careful: Make sure to read the contract thoroughly before signing. Some companies require a minimum contract term, and you’ll want to be aware of those terms before you sign.

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8 Tips for Preventing a Termite Infestation in Your Home

8 Tips for Preventing a Termite Infestation in Your Home

Termites are one of the most destructive pests that can invade your home. Not only can they cause extensive structural damage to your home, but they can also cause financial hardship if you need to hire a professional to treat the infestation. To avoid this costly situation, it’s important to take preventive measures to protect your home. Here are 8 tips for preventing a termite infestation.

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1. Eliminate sources of moisture in and around your home

Eliminating sources of moisture in your home is key to preventing and controlling termite infestations. Moisture is necessary for termites to survive, and they will seek out places in your home that provide the humidity and moisture they need. If you can limit the amount of moisture in your home, you can help prevent termites from settling in and causing damage. Fixing leaky faucets and pipes, using dehumidifiers, and using proper ventilation in bathrooms and other moist areas can help to keep the moisture levels in your home low and reduce the risk of termite infestations.

2. Keep mulch & firewood away from the foundation of your home

Mulch and firewood provide an ideal food source and habitat for termites, and they can act as a bridge that allows termites to gain access to your home. Keeping mulch and firewood away from your home would be a way of preventing a termite infestation. Additionally, keeping mulch and firewood away from the exterior of your home can help reduce the chances of termites finding their way inside.

Preventing a termite infestation in your home

3. Trim overhanging tree branches and remove stumps near your home

When tree branches hang over your roof, they can provide a bridge for termites to get into your home. These branches can also provide shelter and moisture for the termites. Removing the overhanging branches and stumps can help reduce the chances of termites entering your home. Additionally, dead tree branches can create an inviting environment for other pests, such as rats and mice. Removing the overhanging limbs and stumps can also help keep these pests away from your home.

4. Seal cracks and crevices in your foundation and exterior walls

Sealing cracks and crevices is an important step in preventing a termite infestation in your home. Termites often enter homes through small cracks and crevices, so sealing up those areas can help to keep them out. Sealing can also help to reduce moisture in your home, which is a major attractant for termites. It’s a good idea to inspect your home for potential entry points and seal them up regularly to prevent termite infestations.

5. Install an underground termiticide barrier around your home

Installing an underground termiticide barrier around your home is one of the most effective ways to protect it from termites. This barrier will create a chemical barrier that will prevent termites from entering your property and damaging your home. An underground termiticide barrier will also provide long-term protection from termites as the barrier can last for several years. Additionally, the barrier will also provide protection from other types of pests, such as ants and roaches, which can be just as damaging as termites.

6. Regularly inspect your home for signs of termite activity

Regular inspections can help you detect the signs of termite activity before they cause serious damage. Early detection and treatment can help you avoid costly repairs and structural damage to your home. Signs of termite activity may include: mud tubes on the exterior walls, hollow-sounding wood, visible damage to wood, droppings, and/or winged insects.

Learn more about how to detect signs of a home infestation

Preventing a Termite Infestation in Your Home

7. Ventilate crawl spaces and attics

Ventilating crawl spaces and attics helps to protect your home from termites because it helps to keep moisture levels in these areas low. Termites are attracted to moist areas and without adequate ventilation, moisture can build up in these areas, creating an ideal environment for termites to thrive. In addition, ventilation helps to reduce the temperature in these areas, which can also discourage termite activity. Proper ventilation also helps to prevent mold and mildew growth, further preventing a termite infestation and your home from potential damage.

8. Have your home inspected once a year by a professional pest control company

Regular termite inspections can detect any signs of infestation and help to identify any areas of your home that may be at risk for termite damage. Early detection and treatment are key to avoiding costly repairs due to termite damage.

Follow these 8 tips so that you can continue preventing a termite infestation and ensuring that your home remains termite-free. If you suspect you may have a termite infestation, or have noticed signs of termites, contact a pest control professional to help diagnose and treat the infestation right away. Taking preventative measures and being aware of the signs of termites will help ensure that your home is safe and secure from these destructive pests.

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5 Signs of a Termite Infestation

Are you concerned about termites invading your home? If so, you’re not alone – termites cause billions of dollars in damage to homes in the United States annually. Knowing the signs of a termite infestation in your home is key to protecting your home from these destructive pests.

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Signs of a Termite Infestation mud tubes

1. Look for Mud Tubes

One of the most common signs of a termite infestation is mud tubes. Termites build these tubes to travel between their food source (your home) and their nest. These tubes are made of soil and wood particles and can be found near the foundation of your home, near exterior faucets, and in crawl spaces.

2. Look for discarded wings

Another sign of a termite infestation is the presence of wings. Termites shed their wings after they mate, and these wings can be found in piles near windows or doors. They are usually a cream or yellow color and are shaped like a triangle. Discarded termite wings can also be found inside your home, particularly in areas that are prone to moisture, such as near the kitchen sink or bathroom tub. If you see piles of wings near these areas, it’s likely that you have a termite infestation.

3. Inspect the wood in your home for signs of damage

You may be able to identify termites by their damage to your home. Termites feed on wood, and their damage is often characterized by hollowed-out wood, buckling walls, and other structural damage.

4. Look for Signs of Termite Droppings

 Look around the baseboards and window sills for signs of termite droppings. Termite droppings are small pellets, about 1/32 inch in length, and are usually a dark brown or black color. They often look like small grains of sawdust or coffee grounds and are known as frass.

5. Listen for a distinctive clicking sound

Termites chewing wood create a distinct, high-pitched, squeaking sound that is usually heard when the termites are actively feeding. The sound is caused by the vibration of wood pulp being crushed between the termites’ mandibles.

If you suspect that you have an infestation of termites in your home, it’s important to act quickly. Contact a professional exterminator as soon as you can to have the problem properly treated. In the meantime, you can take steps to prevent termites from invading your home, such as making sure that all wood debris is removed from your yard and that your home is properly sealed. By taking these preventive measures, you can help protect your home from termite infestations.

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3 Tips to Avoid Getting Bed Bugs

Are you looking for tips to avoid getting bed bugs in your home? Whether you’re moving to a new house or apartment, or you travel often, chances are you’ve heard horror stories about how bed bugs can hitch rides home undetected, causing chaos and infestations as they go.

Thankfully, there are a few simple preventative measures that you can take to reduce your risk of infestation. Here are three simple and practical ways to avoid getting bed bugs so you can keep your home and loved ones safe from these stress-inducing, unwanted house guests.

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cockroaches smarter home and yard tips to avoid getting bed bugs

How do you get bed bugs?

Bed bugs can be challenging to eradicate once they take up residence in your home, so how do you get them?

Bed bugs have recently made a wide-scale resurgence. They are highly adaptive and resilient, good at hiding and spreading from place to place. As a result, bed bugs are commonly picked up during traveling in places like hotel rooms, buses, taxis, and planes.

Second-hand furniture and clothing can be potential vehicles for bed bug infestations, especially if the home they came from had an existing problem. Therefore, used furniture should be avoided whenever possible if you want to keep bed bugs away, and thrifted clothing should be put through the dryer on the highest setting possible as soon as it comes home.

It is also possible for bed bugs to come home from school, work, friends’ houses, and all kinds of other places and activities. Apartment buildings are especially susceptible to the spread of bed bugs, as the bugs can use the building’s structure to move from unit to unit. Even riding in someone else’s car is enough to bring bed bugs home.

3 All-natural tips to avoid getting bed bugs

Getting rid of bed bugs can be expensive, exhausting, and time consuming. Fortunately, there are some simple and all-natural ways to avoid bringing bed bugs into your home in the first place. All you’ll need is some knowledge and diligence, and these tips to avoid getting bed bugs.

Once you’re familiar with the basics of bed bug behavior and biology, you’ll know exactly how to spot them, ways to avoid them, and what to do if you find them inside.

1. Know the Signs of Bed Bugs

Avoiding bed bugs starts with knowing what they look like and how they behave. They can hide in various places, which has led to them becoming a significant public health concern.

Adult bed bugs are between 5-7mm in length. Females are slightly larger and rounder than males, but both are flat and oval-shaped with brownish-red coloring, six legs, and two antennae.

Bed bug adults start their development as eggs and progress through a series of molts as they grow. Young and developing bed bugs are called nymphs and are not the same color as adult bed bugs. Nymphs are different colors at different stages.

Why is this important? Bed bugs are good at hiding, so you may not immediately see the adults if the population hasn’t grown much. You could, however, spot eggs, molted bed bug skins, speckly blood stains, and small brown droppings. With a flashlight, you could even spot eggs and nymphs, especially around the buttons and seams of the mattress.

When infestations become heavy, you might notice a rich, musky-sweet smell that many find repulsive. So let’s just say bed bugs are not the type of guest you want hanging around your home.

2. Perform Regular Bed Bug Inspections

Are you looking for bed bugs regularly? Good idea, especially if you are at higher risk of catching them (due to travel, thrifting, or other circumstances). You can perform these inspections yourself or hire someone to come out semi-regularly. Either way, vacuum consistently with a bagged vacuum and dispose of the bag immediately afterward.

Of all the tips to avoid getting bed bugs, inspecting a room for bed bugs isn’t too tricky, but it will take patience and a keen eye for details. A flashlight might also be helpful. Start by inspecting:

Around the bed – Don’t forget to look over the frame, headboard, and boxspring too!
The mattress – Pull the fitted sheet off the mattress and inspect along the seams for activity.
Nightstand – Check the stand itself, as well as any books, electronics, and lampshades.
Counch or chairs – Look around any seams and under the cushions.

If you travel, watching for bed bugs while you fly, rideshare, or stay in a hotel room is a good idea. Hotels are major bed bug hotspots, so check your room before unpacking anything.

Inspecting a hotel room so thoroughly might seem over the top, but it’s worth it if it means not bringing a bed bug headache home. Speaking of home, once you return from your trip, inspect all luggage thoroughly before bringing it inside, and run clothing through the dryer on high heat.

3. Prevent and Detect Bed Bugs with Simple, All-Natural Solutions

Many people aren’t aware that mattress covers are a crucial part of bed bug prevention. Mattress covers should be high-quality and made from thick, tight-weave material to keep bed bugs out.

A mattress cover discourages bed bugs from settling around your bed, but you can also purchase special traps that go under the feet of your bed or stick to the sides of your bed frame. These will help you determine if bed bugs are present and you need to take action.

tips to avoid getting bed bugs

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs if They’re Already in Your House

If bed bugs are already a problem inside your home, get professional assistance immediately. It only takes one egg-laying female to cause a full-blown infestation. Bed bugs can be easy to miss, but things can get out of hand when not unaddressed and why these tips to avoid getting bed bugs are important.

When looking for professional bed bug assistance, don’t just choose the cheapest option, or treatment may not work. Instead, look for a company that uses an array of tools, including inspection and assessment, steam treatments, heat treatments, and targeted chemical treatments.

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